Dear Sir or Madam,
Silk Road City Institute of Silk Road Cities Alliance together with Beijing Belt & Road Cooperative Community and in partnership with China Going Global Forum will host an annual strategic forum – Silk Road Ark Forum (SRAF) on November 27.
Silk Road Ark, is the cross-sectorial platform for exchange of views launched by Silk Road Cities Alliance in 2016. Series of cultural and academic events have been organised under its umbrella. Among them, Silk Road Ark Forum (SRAF) is the annual international conference organised to give an independent, cross-sectorial view on China and its relations with the rest of the world.
As the year comes to a close, we have witnessed complex global events unfold. We convene to assess these events and look into the challenges and opportunities of 2019 for China and the World. The Forum will bring together diplomatic corps and members of international community of politicians, scholars, business executives and global analysts together to share their perspectives on these global issues.
The organising committee would like to cordially invite you to attend this major event.
China Going Global Forum
Organising Committee of SRAF
Time and Venue
13:00-20:00, 27 November
Grand Millennium Hotel
Key Talking Points at SRAF 2018
- The world is changing so rapidly that the geo-political landscape from few years back is beyond recognition now. How should states navigate these modern-day changes and how will states and regional or international organisations work hand in hand towards world peace and prosperity?
- China’s economy is showing dramatic shift. There is a visible drive to add value on the manufacturing chain and consumption and services are becoming the driving force of the economy. Policies like making China “Innovation powerhouse by 2020” and the “Made in China 2025” are very popular. These policies have attracted criticisms from international trade practices points of view and global security threats. How challenging will be the coming few years for China?
- Despite the global economic challenges, many economies are registering some progress globally. Emerging economies are taking bigger share in work markets and they are making ground breaking policy changes to stay competitive. What lessons can these countries learn from China? How can they maintain their momentum and expand beyond?
- China’s economy is experiencing a relative slowing down in recent years due to combination of rising domestic debt and weaker currency. How will China deal with its domestic economic challenges? The US is locked in a deadly trade war with China. How will the trade war between the world’s two top economies affect international trade practices? How will the trade war affect China’s domestic and international economic performance?
- Five years since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative: What are the lessons learned and what are the progress and challenges? Discussion on options for multi-national cooperation on BRI projects.
Mr. Massimo D’Alema, Former Prime Minister of Italy 达莱马 意大利前总理
Mr. Zhao Qizheng, former Director of The State Council Information Office of China 赵启正 国务院新闻办公室前主任
Mr. Lv Fengding, member of Foreign Policy Advisory Group of Foreign Ministry of China 吕凤鼎 中国外交部政策咨询委员会成员
Mr. Zhou Li, former Vice Minister of International Department, Central Committee of CPC 周力 中联部原副部长
Mr. Qi Zhenhong, President of China Institute of International Studies 祁振宏 中国国际问题研究院院长
Mr. Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China 王文 人大重阳金融研究院执行院长
Mr. Ruan Zongze, Vice President of China Institute of International Studies 阮宗泽 中国国际问题研究院副院长
Mrs. Zhang Yanling, President of Silk Road City Institute and former Vice President of Bank of China 张燕玲 丝绸之路城市研究院院长、前中国银行副行长
Mr. Liu Zhiqin, Executive president of Silk Road City Institute 刘志勤 丝绸之路研究院执行院长
Mr. Dong Shaopeng, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Securities Daily 董少鹏 证券日报常务副总编
Mr. Luo Linquan, Former Consul General of China to San Francisco 罗林泉 前中国驻旧金山总领事
Mr. Song Zhiping, President of China National Building Material Group Co. ltd. 宋志平 中国建材集团董事长
Registration 签到
Opening Remarks by President of SRCI Keynote 开场致辞
Speech by Hon. Massimo D’Alema 达莱马先生演讲
Speech on China’s economy by Mr. Xu Lin, Chairman of U.S. – China Green Fund, former Director of Fiscal and Financial Department and Development Planning Department of NDRC 国家发改委前财金司和规划司司长徐林先生演讲
Panel discussion on global issues 全球问题对话
Panel discussion on BRI developments 一带一路议题对话
Summary of the forum 闭幕致辞
Dinner 晚餐
If you wish to participate, please send us your name, the name of the organisation you represent and a brief introduction of the organisation before November 21, 2018 to Due to the high profile invitees, the Forum’s attendance will be strictly on invitation basis.
Invitees who wish to be assigned speaking engagement slots at the Forum may apply by sending a brief introduction and summary of their speech to Selection will be on content relevance and availability of slots and selected applications will be notified by the organising committee with further instructions.